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How to create surveys

Learn how to create a survey to solicit feedback on content.

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over 2 years ago


As an administrator, content owner, or presenter you want to create a survey so that you can attach it to your events and event types, tracks, courses, articles, or videos.


  1. Open the Dashboard from the profile menu in the upper-right corner.

  2. Select Surveys on the left and click New Survey.

  3. Enter a survey Title.

  4. Under Survey Questions select a question Type and enter the Question.

  5. To add another question click +Survey Question and repeat the previous step.
    You can click Preview at any time to see how participants will view the survey.

  6. Save the survey when you’re done adding questions.
    The survey is saved in the Surveys dashboard and can now be attached to content items.

    The next step is to attach the survey to a content item. The process for doing this is slightly different for events and non-event content items.
    Check out How to attach surveys to events or How to attach surveys to non-event content items.

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Make sure it looks good

In the Create Survey window, click Preview at any time to see how participants will view the survey. It’s important to verify the survey looks like you want it to before saving.

Survey duplication

You can duplicate an existing survey rather than creating a new survey from scratch. For more, see How to duplicate surveys.

Question types

You can add the following question types to surveys:

  • Short text – answers given in a short free text field (no character limit)

  • Paragraph text – answers given in large free text field (no character limit)

  • Rating scale – answers given as a rating from 1 to 5 stars

  • Linear scale – answers given as a rating between two numbers

  • Single choice – survey participant chooses one text value from a set of options; you must have at least two values for participants to choose from

  • Single choice (“other” option included) – survey participant chooses one text value from a set of options or can add their own value; you must have at least two values for participants to choose from

  • Multiple choice – survey participant chooses one or more text values from a set of options; you must have at least two values for participants to choose from

  • Multiple choice (“other” option included) – survey participant chooses one or more text values from a set of options and/or can add their own value; you must have at least two values for participants to choose from

Survey edits

You can always come back to surveys and edit them, though with limitations. See How to edit surveys for more on this topic.

See also

For more on using and managing surveys, see:

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