Feature Spotlight
Assignment Due Dates & Reminders [New Feature] [Self-paced]: Organizers assigning folks to a self-paced content item (Course, Article, and Video), are now able to define a due date, so that they can communicate to them their expected time of completion. Furthermore, assigned folks will be reminded when their due date is approaching or past due.
To explore the capability, assign folks to a content through the self-paced content roster:
To set a default time to complete for content items, set the Completion information on its form:
To customize the reminder template, check the "Assignment Reminder" template:
Minor Improvements
Videos Cover: We are showing the cover image as the poster on the HTML5 videos. [Videos]
Support for other video platforms: We now support Wistia and other video platforms. [Videos]
Improve auto-check in messaging for Google Calendar: We improved the overall messaging to engage users to auto-check in instead of joining directly. [Events]
Adjusted mentorship stats: We rounded the stats to improve readability. [Mentorship]
Mark as Complete and Mark as Incomplete: It's now possible to mark one of the existing assignees to a content item as having completed it. With this, the organizer can support situations when a person might have satisfied the requirements of the item outside the platform. Similarly, they are able to undo the choice and unmark someone as having completed an item. [Self-paced]
Bug Fixes
We fixed a typo in the Event No Show template description. [Events]
We fixed a typo on the My Learning Content page. [Platform]
We fixed a bug that appeared when the catalog page was in the fixed mode, and more than one learning type was selected. The +New button was listing all the available learning types, not just the selected ones for that fixed page. [Catalog]
We solved a cosmetic problem in the events cards that was cutting out the timezone information in the default list view. [Events]
We've fixed the learning type cards in the Catalog to shorten long customized names, which were breaking the layout. [Catalog]
We adjusted the My Learning Content so that Articles are linked to their correct page. [Catalog]
We fixed an edge case error in the Course upload that was displaying "Invalid File Format" when the format was supported. [Courses]
Mentorship Roles & Preferences [Early Access] [Mentorship]: Admins will soon be able to enable Mentorship Preferences to all users. With this feature, users can share their preferences as mentors, indicating if they are open to mentoring peers or actively looking for mentees. Following the same line, they will also be able to set their preferences as mentees, and Mentors will be able to search for Mentees.
The selected preference is displayed on the Mentor/Mentee's profile page:
Users will also notice that the Mentorship page and cards UI have been revamped as part of the effort, and an improved experience will be available with new filters such as "Interest Level" and "Title". In addition, the Mentorship page will allow Mentors to search for Mentees and engage with them, indicating they are interested in being their mentor: