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Release Notes: May 4, 2022
Release Notes: May 4, 2022
Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over 2 years ago

Feature Spotlight

Calendar Decline to Drop at Event Type level [Improvement] [Event Types]: Organizers can override the global policy to automatically drop folks from events if they decline an event in their Google Calendar. For that, they must enable the "Unenroll on calendar event decline" setting on the Event Type form

Mark Track assignment as complete/incomplete [Tracks] [Improvement]: Admins are now able to mark a track assignment as complete/incomplete through the "Manage Assignments" roster.

Minor Improvements

  • Improved Dashboards usability [Improvement] [Dashboards]: All Dashboards bulk actions that are applicable to the selected items will be available through a new "Actions" button.

  • Improved display for "Other Offerings" [Improvement] [Events]: Events other offerings now appear in a carousel which includes more information about the related event, including the duration and how many attendees are going.

  • Filter Events by Event Type [Improvement] [Events]

  • Reduced maintenance downtime [Improvement] [Platform]: The application no longer needs to be put on maintenance when the team is releasing new capabilities.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a cosmetic issue in the "host" filter on the Office Hours page which caused long names to overflow. [Office Hours]

  • Fixed Users tags not appearing on their profiles. [Users]

  • Prevented events with conflicting timeslots to avoid overlapping times. [Events]

  • Improved end-users error reporting throughout the application. [Platform]

  • Fixed "Join [VC]" CTA missing for events. [Events]

  • Fixed an edge case broken layout in the upcoming events section on the Event Type page. [Event Type]

  • Fixed the Event and Content Items pages not indicating if it is hidden/group restricted. [Events] [Content Items]

  • Fixed breadcrumbs to the Catalog from content pages. [Catalog]

  • Fixed embed content dialog width. [Platform]

  • Fixed Dashboards text searches that were not working as expected. [Dashboards]

  • Fixed a cosmetic detail on the "Edit" button in the user profile. [Users]

  • Fixed the "Recent Activity" log on users pages which was missing information. [Users]

  • Fixed wrong links in the system settings notifications templates. [Settings]

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