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How to bulk import events
How to bulk import events

Learn how to create, edit, or delete events in bulk using a CSV file.

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over a week ago


As an administrator, you want to make bulk changes to your events. This could include the following actions:

  • scheduling new events in bulk

  • mass editing currently scheduled events

  • mass deleting currently scheduled events


Use the Bulk Import tool on the Events dashboard, using the following steps.

  1. Go to profile menu > Dashboard > Events > Bulk Import

    The Events Admin page opens, listing all events.

  2. Use the Time and Name filters to narrow the list of events shown.
    This helps you take action on the specific set of events you're trying to update.

  3. Click Export CSV.
    The CSV file downloads with filters applied.

  4. Open the downloaded CSV file.

  5. Enter information into the spreadsheet, using the following guidelines:

    • To schedule new events, enter event info in a new row, but leave the ID column blank to indicate that you're creating a new scheduled event.

    • To edit events, keep the ID in place and update values in the rows for the events you want to edit.

    • To delete events, enter a 1 in the Delete column for the events you want to delete.

    The table in the Go deeper section gives more details about how to fill in the spreadsheet properly.

  6. Save the updated spreadsheet as a CSV file.

  7. Return to the Events Admin page and click Choose file.
    Your file explorer opens.

  8. Select the updated spreadsheet from your file explorer.
    The file appears in on the Events Admin page.

  9. Click Import CSV.
    A summary appears with the number of processed events, along with the line numbers for any errors detected. You can return to the spreadsheet to address any errors.

  10. Once the import is fully validated, click Run Import.
    You are navigated back to the Events Admin page, and all processed events (created, edited, or deleted) are applied in PlusPlus.

Go deeper

Options on the Events Admin page

In addition to exporting/importing CSV files, you can take action on events directly on the Events Admin page. It may be easier to use these Actions (instead of a CSV file) if you only want to clone, edit, view, or delete a small number of events.

Actions for each event listed include:

  • Clone - the mirror button duplicates the event and navigates you to the Duplicating Event page to make any adjustments to the new event

  • Edit - the pencil button navigates you to the Edit Event page to make updates to the event

  • View - the eye button navigates you to the landing page for the event (just as it would if you selected it in the Catalog)

  • Delete - the trash can button deletes the event; a page opens for you to confirm the deletion

Guide to spreadsheet columns

This table gives a description of each column in the exported spreadsheet to clarify how to fill in the values for the scheduled events.





unique identifier for the event

Leave this column blank on new row to create a new scheduled event.


Event Type

the event type on which the event is based

The event type name needs to exactly match the name of an event type in your system.



event name



comma-separated list of presenters’ emails



email of the organizer



email of the co-organizer



event description, in text or HTML format



URL to the cover image

Ideal size is 640 X 360.



comma-separated list of categories



comma-separated list of timeslots in format of m/d/yyyy h:mma

For example, 3/16/2023 9:00am



event type duration in hours



name of the room where the event takes place

You can't edit this value for an existing event if you have Google Calendar integrated for events.


Extra Info

text field for any additional event info

Is included in notifications triggered by the event.



name of the event location

The name needs to exactly match the name of a location in your system.


Enrollment Link

URL to the site where attendees complete the enrollment, if applicable


Enrollment Instructions

instructions to attendees on how to complete the enrollment on an external site


Enrollment Cap

maximum attendees allowed in-person

0 means no limit.

No, defaults to 0

Waitlist Cap

maximum size of the waitlist for in-person event types

0 means no limit.

No, defaults to 0

Online Enrollment Cap

maximum attendees allowed for online event types

0 means no limit.

No, defaults to 0

Online Waitlist Cap

maximum size of the waitlist for online event types

0 means no limit.

No, defaults to 0

Enrollment Opens

how early people can enroll in the event

You can't edit this value for an existing event.



Set to 1 to hide. Set to 0 to be discoverable in the Catalog.

No, defaults to 0

Is Online

Set to 1 to be allow for online enrollment. Set to 0 to not allow for online enrollment.

No, defaults to 0

Is In Person

Set to 1 to make an in-person event. Set to 0 if it cannot be attended in person.

No, defaults to 0

Watch Link

link to watch event online, if available



Set to 1 to delete the scheduled event. Set to 0 to leave in the Catalog.

No, defaults to 0

Note that events cannot be canceled nor can access control groups be updated via bulk actions. Please reach out to customer support if you need assistance with either of these bulk actions.

Columns impacted by Timeslot

If you're entering values for Duration, Room, and Extra Info, they must have only one entry or the same number of entries as the Timeslot column. If they have the same number of entries, they get mapped to the respective timeslot. If they have only one entry, they are replicated to each timeslot.

Inheriting event info from the event type

You can leverage the info available at the event type level to avoid repeatedly entering the same values in the CSV file. Enter [inherit] in any of the fields listed below to populate their values from the event type. This treats the event type as the source of truth for this common info and keeps you from accidentally "overwriting" it for the events.

The inheritable fields are: Name, Presenters, Organizer, Co-Organizer, Description, Cover, Topics, Location, Enrollment Link, Enrollment Instructions, Enrollment Cap, Waitlist Cap, Online Enrollment Cap, Online Waitlist Cap, Private, Is Online, and Is In Person.

What if I have more than 150 events to import?

The Bulk Import tool only supports creating/editing/deleting up to 150 events at a time. To import more than 150 events, split them into multiple CSV files with up to 150 events and import the files one by one.

Bulk import event types

Event types are a template for individual, scheduled events. For instance, you might create an orientation event type as a piece of your standard onboarding. You then schedule this orientation event as an individual occurrence when needed, using the details you set up in the event type, such as location, organizers, presenters, and so on.

In addition to the Bulk Import tool for scheduled events, you can also create event types in bulk with the Bulk Import tool on the Event Types dashboard. For more, see How to bulk import event types.

See also

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