As an admin or content owner, you want particular people to attend an event.
Access the event you want to add attendees to.
Open the context menu (button with three dots) and select Manage Attendance.
The Enrollments page opens.
Click Enroll or Re/enroll.
The Enroll option lets you add anyone not already enrolled or who hasn't dropped the event. Re/enroll lets you add anyone not already enrolled and who has dropped the event.
The Enroll (or Re/enroll) dialog opens.
Use filters to locate the people you want to enroll in the event.
For example, you could filter the list to all managers in the engineering department.
Select the check boxes for the people you want to enroll.
After making a selection, the option appears to Select all items. This selects every person who matches the filter values.Click Next.
The dialog presents enrollment options.
Select the Attendance method, either Online or In person, depending on the event setup.
Select the Enrollment policy.
Attempt to enroll then attempt to waitlist option enrolls people (in alphabetical order) up to event capacity and then adds people to the waitlist until it reaches capacity.
Once the enrollment and waitlist reach capacity, no action is taken for the remaining people selected.Force enroll option automatically increases the enrollment capacity to accommodate all your selected people and ensure their enrollment.
Attempt to enroll then force waitlist option enrolls people (in alphabetical order) up to event capacity and then automatically enables and/or increases waitlist capacity to accommodate all other selected people.
Optionally, you can turn on Force check-in to automatically check in people who you enroll in the event.
This automatically checks in everyone you selected in step #5, but not anyone who is already enrolled in the event. Learn how to bulk check-in people who are already enrolled.
Click Enroll.
The selected people appear in the list of attendees for the event.
Added attendees see the event on their My Events page.
Please note during peak times where 10's of 1000's of transactions are occuring simultaneously across all customer tenants you may experience slow enrollment where refreshing the page shows enrollment transaction, but isn't as quick as usual. This should be infrequent, but please reach out to support if you notice enrollments severely degraded or slow enrollment times happening often.
Go deeper
Manage event attendance
In addition to enrolling people in events, Manage Attendance lets you print event rosters, prioritize who should attend the event via enrollment and waitlist queue management, and take bulk actions, such as force check-ins and waitlist promotions, for attendees. Learn more.
Bulk enroll by email address
Copy the full list of email addresses for people you want to enroll in an event.
Follow steps #1-3 in the Solution section.
Change the Email filter operator to Any of.
Paste the email addresses into the Email filter.
Anyone with a matching email address appears in the list.Follow steps #5-10 in the Solution section.
Attendance v. assignments
You can add attendees to events, but you assign vontent like event types, tracks, courses, videos, and articles. Find out more about how to do content assignments.
Manage event enrollment automatically
Use our automated rules to save time enrolling people in events. You can set up rules that enroll people into events based on title, start date, department, and more. Learn more.
See also