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How to manage event enrollment and attendance
How to manage event enrollment and attendance

Learn how to manage enrollments, update waitlist and enrollment queues, and take bulk action such as bulk check-in.

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over 3 weeks ago


As an admin, organizer, or content owner, you want to see who is enrolled (or on the waitlist) in an event and take action on enrollments if needed.


Go to the event whose enrollment you want to view, open the context menu (button with three dots), and select View Roster.

Use dynamic filters and columns to view specific enrollee info

The dynamic filters at the top of the Enrollments page make it easy to find specific enrollees to take action on. You can also filter the list before taking bulk action on a sub-set of attendees.

To change your view of the attendee list, you can drag and drop columns, adjust column width, and open the context menu (button with three dots) for a column to sort, show/hide, or pin it to the left or right.

Take action on individual attendees

Open the action menu (button with three dots) for an attendee to take one of the following actions.

Note these options below only update for the current event you're editing and won't be able to make changes to any other event's roster.

  • Force check-in the person to the event, even if they are on the waitlist

  • Switch and promote to the other attendance method, automatically removing their enrollment from the current attendance method and enrolling them in the other

  • Switch to online waitlist or Switch to in-person waitlist, automatically removing the person from their current list and switching them to the waitlist for the other attendance method

  • Demote to waitlist or Promote from, depending on whether the person's status is Enrolled or Waitlisted, respectively

  • Drop the person from list, giving them a Dropped status for the event

These actions are also available from the Queue management dialog.

Print roster

The printed roster is organized by attendance method and shows all current enrollees' name, email, and location. The roster includes people on the waitlist if there are any.

Manage queues

Move people up and down the enrollment list or waitlist to determine who takes priority when an event reaches max capacity. In the Queue management dialog you can drag and drop people listed for Online and In-Person enrollment lists and waitlists, using the button with six dots.

Waitlist priority determines who gets enrolled in the event first if space opens up. Enrollment list priority determines who stays enrolled if max capacity is reduced below the number of people enrolled.

The action menu (button with three dots) for each person listed lets you take the same actions as on the Enrollments page, with the addition of Move to top of the list, Move up the list, Move down the list, and Move to bottom of the list.

Bulk actions

You can select multiple people on the Enrollments list and then take Bulk actions on them. These actions include:

  • Export CSV - view selected enrollees in a spreadsheet to build a customized roster, add more information about people attending, and so on

  • Copy e-mails - copies email addresses for all selected people so you can paste them into the To: line of an email, bulk enroll them by email address in another event, and so on

  • Force check-in - the quickest way to manually check people into an event in bulk
    This action doesn't check people in again if they have already checked in.

  • Undo check-in - changes selected people's status from Attended to Enrolled
    Go deeper.

  • Promote from/Demote to waitlist - moves people onto or off of the waitlist, depending on whether they are currently on it

    This action ignores selected people who are already on this list you are moving people to, so you can promote or demote an entire list of attendees without concern of moving people who are already on the appropriate list.
    This action promotes from or demotes to the waitlist for the attendance method they are currently in. For example, someone on the in-person waitlist would be promoted to the in-person enrollment.

  • Drop - changes selected people's status to Dropped
    This action ignores selected people who already have a Dropped status.

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Manage event enrollments automatically

You can automate repetitive workflows for enrolling people into events using our automated rules. This is especially helpful for automatically enrolling team members to onboarding events, or members of a certain department to a monthly department event.

Track enrollments on the Dashboard

You can track enrollments across all events on the Events Enrollments dashboard.

This dashboard indicates each attendee’s status for an event.

  • Canceled - the event was canceled

  • Checked-in - attended the event

  • Dropped - was enrolled in the event and then dropped (or un-enrolled)

  • Enrolled - going to the event

  • No-show - did not check in to the event but did not drop either

  • Unknown - never responded to the event invite

  • Waitlisted - the event’s capacity is full, and they are in line to get a spot if one comes available before the event

Checking into an event

In addition to checking people into an event from the roster, you can configure events so that people can check themselves in, and you can set up automatic check-ins.

Why is there an Undo Check In button on the Enrollments page?

By default in PlusPlus, the system automatically checks people into an event whenever they leave a star rating on that event. If someone rates an event that hasn’t occurred yet, Undo Check In appears for the attendee so you can remove the automatic check-in.

Preventing multiple enrollments in future events of the same type

For some events, like a monthly team meet-up, letting people enroll in multiple scheduled occurrences of the event makes sense. But for events not designed to be attended on a recurring basis, multiple enrollments can take up space and keep people out of the event, and they can cause a management headache for facilitators. Learn how to prevent multiple enrollments in future events of the same type.

Online v. in-person event enrollments

When creating or editing Enrollment Capacity for an event, you can choose to host events online, in-person, or both at once. Up until the event occurs, you can switch or merge how you host the event. If the event is scheduled to be online or in-person only, you can switch it to the other method. If the event is scheduled to be both online and in-person, you can merge it to be hosted in just one of the two methods. This feature gives you flexibility to host the event as needed, especially if a presenter is going to present from a location different than originally planned.

See also

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