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How to use the Manager Portal

Learn how managers can stay in the loop on what their direct reports are up to in PlusPlus.

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over a week ago

The Manager Portal gives managers access to their direct reports' PlusPlus profiles all in one place, offering a wealth of information on what direct reports are doing in their instance PlusPlus.

How the Manger Portal works

Enable and access the Manager Portal

Go to Settings > Feature Management to turn on the Manager Portal. Everyone in your instance of PlusPlus who has direct reports can then access it by opening the profile menu and selecting My Team. This page shows all your direct reports, and you can select one to see what they're up to in PlusPlus.

There are two pages in the Manager Portal for each direct report: Profile (which also includes enablement impact states) and Engagement.


On this page managers can view profiles for each of their direct reports, including their bio, upcoming sessions they're hosting, testimonials, and more.

Enablement impact stats show managers what their direct reports are offering in PlusPlus (mentorship stats, events hosted, articles created, and so on). “Impact” refers to the number of people affected by a person through our platform. People are impacted when they consume content, events, and sessions offered by the person whose impact we are measuring.

  • Impact over time - a bar chart showing the content types over which the direct report has ownership in some way (hosting, presenting, creating, and so on) by quarter, along with an indication of how many people they have impacted with their offerings over the same period

  • Upcoming impact - the upcoming events and sessions the direct repot has ownership of

  • Impact by content type - individual panes for each content type showing people impacted, star ratings, and reviews for the content of that type the direct report has offered

  • Testimonials - personal testimonials about the impact the direct report has had; this info is on the Profile page as well.


The Engagement page shows managers what their direct reports are consuming in PlusPlus (events attended, tracks completed, content assignments, and so on). You can see direct report engagement from the following perspectives:

  • Upcoming - the content the direct report is assigned to or the events or sessions they are scheduled to participate in; you can also see their progress relative to a due date where applicable

  • Content completion by tags - the tags attached to content the direct report has completed, along with the number of content items they've completed per tag for the past 90 days and for their whole user history

  • Consumed content - a line chart showing both assigned and completed content by quarter for the direct report

  • Recent activity - shows all recent activity for the direct report related to content, including events or sessions they have presented or hosted

Go deeper

Notifications provide another way for managers to stay in the loop on what their direct reports are doing in PlusPlus. You can customize notifications to copy a manager on emails about content assignments, assignments that are overdue, event enrollments, and so on.

See also

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