In recent articles we've outlined the usage and meaning of labels within CSV exports for these other dashboards: Content Items Dashboard, Events Dashboard, & the Locations Dashboard - Now let's dig deep into how you can leverage the People dashboard with it's CSV exports label definitions for more data organization and analysis with a definition of each header you'll find in your exports for the People dashboard - most of these are self explanatory.
Note that most of the data which is contained in the People dashboard exports are directly obtained from the data synced from your company's HR system, combined with the user's profile and other system tools. Also, please note that this dashboard is a great companion to the People Integration Syncs dashboard
The user's unique system ID number not associated with employee ID
The user's full name as listed in the system
The user's email address as listed in the system - must be present and unique
Employee ID
The user's employee ID
The user's internal company title
The user's internal company department
The user's geo-physical world location
Hire Date
The time and date the user was hired
The name of the user's direct manager
The user's assigned platform role: regular, organizer, or admin
Web URL link of the user's platform profile, example:
The URL link to the headshot we've grabbed from your workday integration if used
The users biography, a self description
The time zone set either Automatically if enabled, based on browser info every time they log in, or set manually - both settings found in user profile
Learning hours (start)
The user's starting learning hours as set in user profile
Learning hours (end)
The user's ending learning hours as set in user profile
Signup Date
The UTC based time the user invite link was sent. Not applicable if using SSO/Okta and not using password based logins.
Last Login Date
The time captured the last time the user logged in
Has mentor profile
***This field is being deprecated***
Has mentee profile
***This field is being deprecated***
***This field is being deprecated***
This column lists the badges that are associated with the user
The lists all the security groups the user is apart of
Content Items Owned
The total number of Content items owned the user has
Content Item Assignments
The total number of Content items assignments the user has
Events Hosted
The total number of hosted Events the user has
Event Enrollments
The total number of Event enrollments the user has
Sessions Hosted
The total number of Sessions hosted the user has
Session Enrollments
The total number of Session enrollments the user has
Has Manager
A filter (not in the CSV export) that displays a user's manager they report to