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Assessments dashboard & assignments

Learn how to view all related assessments and export your data

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over a week ago

How to utilize the Assessments dashboard

Through the Assessments dashboard you have access to see and manage all assessments created in PlusPlus utilizing over 17 filters. Here you can create, edit, and export all assessment details based on your filter sets. It’s a good reference point to find data and get a quick overview of how assessments are performing.

How to locate the Assessments dashboard

Accessible only to platform Organizers and Admins this dashboard is located off the DASHBOARDS menu. To get there, from the top right of any main page, navigate from your profile Menu > Dashboards, then on the left, Assessments

Once on Dashboards scroll down to the 10th item on the left side right underneath Assignments dashboard

Assessment details and actions

On the Assessments dashboard you'll find the ability to manage all assessments starting with an extensive filter set.

From the Choose a filter selection you have many dynamic filter options to fine tune your assessment view and prep for export. Note that not all filtered data will appear on the Assessments page, but are fully displayed on the exported CSV


Filters let you see all aspects of your assessments information and help you create fine-tuned exports containing only the assessment details you've selected with filters.

Because dynamic filters use AND across filter sets, you can combine multiple filter groups to create more complex queries.

Available filters are:

  • Parent Track

  • Parent Scheduled Track

  • Name

  • Description

  • Facilitator

  • Duration

  • Create

  • Modified

  • Access Group

  • Is Archived

  • Is Hidden

  • Is Inline

  • Last Engaged At

  • Total Assignments

  • Category

  • Tag

  • Language

Once you have a meaningful selection of filters set, the export function is on the top right

Note: Applied filters are reflected in the export.

CSV export example in spreadsheet form

Creating new Assessments

At the top right of the page you'll find the ability to create a new assessment via the + New Assessment button where you can setup and publish new assessments.

From the 3 dots at the right of the name of any assessment you can click on to begin editing pre-existing assessments

Click Edit directs you over to the detailed Editing Assessment page where you can update and add questions to an assessment

Back on the main Assessments dashboard, clicking the numbered blue link under Total Assignments heading directs to the assessments Assignments page. The assignment number is a calculated value based on the total number of users currently assigned to that assessment at the time of accessing this page

On the Assignments page you have the ability to leverage an extensive amount of dynamic filters to determine all aspects of an assessment assignment for one or multiple users with the most meaningful filters, such as Status, Score, Assigned by, and Due on preset where you can add more filters via the + Add Filters button.

Also on this page, beneath the filters, you'll see the number of all users assigned to the target assessment clicked on from the previous Assessments dashboard with each of their statuses shown on the right. Note you can click on any assignee name to go directly to their profiles to view full assignee related details

Like all of the platform's Dashboards, once you are satisfied with your filters you can export the data to CSV from the Export CSV button at the top right of the Assignments page

As there are a tremendous amount of filters on the Assignments page, here's some of what may be the most meaningful filters where assessment Feedback ratings and assessment taker's comments in text form are always displayed upon export by default which are found only in the CSV

  • State

  • Due Date Started Date

  • Progress

  • Last Progress Date

  • Completion Date

  • Score

  • Attempt

  • Is Success

  • Dropped Date

  • Exemption Date

  • Exemption By

  • Expiration Date

  • Feedback Rating

  • Feedback Text

CSV export example in spreadsheet form

How to find responses to questions for management and reporting

To see responses to questions and other details of an assessment, either from within the assessment itself or via the Assessment dashboard, find the name of the assessment and click on it.

Once at the assessment level you want more details on click the 3 dots, then Manage Assignments.

Now select all or filter for your target user(s), ensure the selection box next to their name(s) are checked, click on the Bulk Actions drop down, and finally export to CSV, which among other details provides answers to assessment taker's responses.

See also

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