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Dashboard report saving & sharing

Understanding how to save & share dashboard reports in PlusPlus

Chris Ramlow avatar
Written by Chris Ramlow
Updated over 7 months ago

Dashboard reporting, saving and sharing

With PlusPlus's Shared Reports, share insightful reports effortlessly. Generate a clean, focused view of saved dashboards via a shareable URL, secure and accessible to all logged-in users.

We've added a Public URL share feature for saved dashboard reports which facilitate sending saved dashboard reports to a PlusPlus admin and organizer, as well as any regular user with an account.

How to Save reports

Prior to saving a Dashboard report you'll see the standard filterable view with no option to save or share reports. Note that current dashboards with this feature include: Events,

Event Enrollments, Assignments, and People dashboards.

You'll first save a report you've generated from applying above filters which then displays in the left sidebar. Any of these saved reports can now be shared. This is accomplished by utilizing the Save or Save As buttons.

Use Save As to save a new dashboard report and Save to overwrite saving over an existing report with updated changes.

If you select Save As you'll see a prompt appear with fields for the report Name and an optional description field.

Note that saved reports are editable and removable only by a platform Admin or Organizer; regular users are not able to access the dashboards and make changes.

Once you either save a dashboard report, which appears in the left sidebar right under the Assignments dashboard menu, or click on an existing dashboard previously saved, you'll only then see the Share icon appear next to the Add Filters and Save functions.

How to Share reports

Clicking on Share will copy the link to your clipboard, if the browser's copy/paste function is permitted within your organization.

A message will appear indicating you have a sharable link to the saved dashboard report added to your clipboard.

The copied link is a URL, which can now be pasted via email or any other medium such as Slack or Teams, to any user with the proper permissions to access your tenant's dashboards where on the clipboard looks similar to this URL link:

Please see an example of a shared report which anyone with the link is able to view and export to CSV.

Saved and shared reporting considerations

If you change the saved report filters and hit save again, the shared report will always exist as the most up-to-date version with no need to re-share the link.

There's no way to "un-share" reports once they're shared, however a workaround to stop sharing a particular report is to duplicate any inadvertently-shared report utilizing the Save As button, where you can keep and save the original name while duplicating - This will generate a new unique URL link allowing you to then delete the original saved and shared report rendering the deleted report and link invalid.

Future updates will add additional features to allow subscribing to a dashboard page and report to for updated report links sent by email on a configurable cadance.

See also

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